Steiniger helped X-BIONIC® SPHERE a. s. to overcome the difficult stage of developing company standards to protect personal data and adapt processes to GDPR.
The implementation of GDPR towards employees, business partners, hotel operations, e-commerce, marketing, organization of public events, visitor photos and customer profiling were just a few of the issues for which it was necessary to develop internal organizational standards for personal data processing that would suit GDPR.
Our mandate consisted mainly of the following tasks:
- analysis of the structure and functioning of the company
- data maping and definition of the current privacy status
- interviews with the heads of the individual departments and definition of the processing operations carried out bydepartments
- defining the legal bases and purposes of the processing of personal data
- development of internal standards governing the processing of personal data
- performing LIA test, which demonstrates the right of the company to process personal data without the permission of data subjects
- analysis of security cameras and eligibility of their use
- customer profiling solution
- development of a comprehensive GDPR Compliance Project for a company addressing GDPR issues
X-BIONIC® SPHERE a. s. - a company active in sports, hotel, restaurant, wellness and merchandise sales. The company owns the largest and most modern sports resort in Central Europe, whose quality exceeds international standards. The companys' services are used by leading Olympic athletes, international sports expeditions, prestigious UEFA clubs, corporate and individual clients (