For Instarea, we audited and modified intellectual property rights

Steiniger advised Instarea to set up relationships with both internal and external developers / programmers or authors of the work involved in Instarea's services and products development.

Our mandate consisted mainly of the following tasks:

  • preparation of cooperation and service contracts with a special cooperation and invoicing regime
  • regulation of labor-law relations with an emphasis on intellectual property rights, also in relation to temporary workers / students
  • elaboration of complex regulation of intellectual property rights that will provide the client with its exclusive rights to copyright works such as computer programs, databases, designs, patents or utility models
  • setting up legal relations with external suppliers with special emphasis on intellectual property rights and the system of creation of copyright and other works


Instarea - Slovak company and "laboratory" for innovative ideas for monetization of telecommunication big data within the international group Adastra. Through the efficient use of data, they strive to optimize marketing processes and improve infrastructure in cities (

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